Friday, August 12, 2011

200 days

A fifth of my allotted time has passed, so time to update again.

(The entire list!)

Tasks completed since last time:
1. Save $2500.
5. Remove all but 2 facebook games from my account.
23. Make JH a bowtie.
44. Try 5 new restaurants.
53. Host a party.
59. Go on a tour at Red Oak Brewery.
68. Go to a concert/see live music.
80. Find and purchase the perfect pair of boots. (They are soooo beautiful, I'll post a picture when they are seasonally appropriate).
87. Go to an amusement park.
94. Take JH Up North.
98. Learn to apply make-up, including liquid eyeliner.

16.8% complete, with 10 goals in progress.

Goals to complete in the next 100 days:
6. Back up my computer. (This is really getting crucial).
9. Eat strictly paleo for 1 week.
11. Visit Jess for a weekend.
12. Camp 5 times. (Or just once).
19. Have a yard sale.
56. Conquer Sporcle's Countries of the World quiz by myself.
63. Attend UNC Homecoming every year. (GO HEELS!)
83. Finish my Carolina t-shirt quilt. (It's only been a year and a half...).
84. Visit NYC for the first time!
90. Create an etsy shop. (Anyone need some fab bowties?)
99. Do a zipline course.

It looks ambitious, but I don't work full time again until October, so I'm diving in headfirst!

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