Monday, February 28, 2011

#67 complete! and signed up for #16

I finally figured out a way to keep all my jewelry organized and in one place!

It's a piece of a shelf left over from one of the jobs my dad did, I just knocked out 2 slats and put in screen and screwed in cup hooks down the rest of it. So much more fabulous than the jumble that was on my dresser.

Whit and her boy are doing a run called the Rugged Maniac 5k and invited me to join them! It's a 5k course on a motocross track with obstacles like barbed wire to crawl under, walls to scramble over and mud pits to slosh through. So psyched! The Greensboro one is April 9th if anyone would like to join us...


Unknown said...

You're a stud.
And I love you.

Anonymous said...

Are you turning my room into your closet?

KT said...

Yes. I am also storing the giant blow up ball in your room. You should come home and experience it.